Beauty Facial Acupuncture
A facial treatment is a relaxing process performed by a Registered Acupuncturist who will exfoliate, hydrate, and nourishes your skin. Our acupuncturists are educated upon all the different skin types to ensure all of our clients may benefit from facials.
During your facial, the acupuncturist will focus on relieving the stress in your skin while deeply cleansing it. Our acupuncturists are trained to use our brand new beauty technologies that will enhance the appearance and feel of your skin! Our LED Photon Therapy is proven to repairs and hydrate the cells of your skin by making your skin look healthy and young. This therapy improves cellular activity, the collagen and elastin fibres in your skin are instantly rejuvenated. That’s just one of our many therapeutic devices that naturally improve the look and feel of your skin.
We want YOU to feel confident and relaxed!